
1 min readMay 3, 2022

I wonder if I have crossed your mind.

Even for a second.

If you have stopped short ,deep with regret for letting what we could have had fade away.

I hope it bothers you, as much as it does me, that you cut the string to the only lifeline of our ‘could be love’ with your sharp lack of faith.

Had you believed me ,then maybe the blue oceans wouldn't have been the only deep thing you knew.

So tonight, as I look into the moon, I see only the reflection of what could have been, and as I turn to the stars, I only see the distant but penetrating light that shimmers tunnel end hope.

This light twinkles to the sorrowful dance of my heart, as your voice echoes to the chords of this tune.

I am now drinking from my own deep cup of solitude.

This once sweet delight has turned sour , its color and taste resembling fine wine.

Its depth unchanged.

I still wonder.

You did not deserve my depth.




Exploring the world through various mediums. Art. Poetry. Nature.